Monday, November 16, 2009

Recycling dirty diapers!

This is the BEST! A recycling plant for dirty diapers. It will be powered by converting the organic parts (you know, poo) in the diapers to energy and the inorganic bits (the remaining 98%) will be post-consumer pulp and plastic. That is so fabulous. Have you ever thought of the bazillion dirty diapers in the landfill? Its the kind of thing that drives me bonkers to consider. That is a big part of why we use primarily cloth (not the only reason). But a lot of day cares and the like won't use cloth and 'sposies are not always avoidable. If we can work on improving the sustainability of how they are made and then recycling them, thats just awesome.

In other news: For the first time ever I planted garlic in the fall! I finally did it! For no good reason I have never managed to get it done in the past. So yesterday, a gorgeous day, z. and I pulled up the tomatoes, dug up the dirt, mixed in some compost, and stuck the little bulbs in the dirt. Yay! (note to self: they are just east of the broccoli)

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