Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Interview Blues

I just bought a digital voice recorder. 60 annoying bucks. But I suppose necessary. That is, if I actually manage to arrange any interviews for the disastertation. So far I am having a really annoying time with people who respond to my request in a positive hopes-raising way asking me to send some dates for next week, then I promptly send potential times and ... lalala...wait for a response...that never comes.
This has happened only two times. But two annoying times from the only contacts I have made so far. DangitAll! So I sit poised, ready to jump on a bus to NYC and waiting by my computer for an email. I actually did get one confirmation - late wednesday night I got an email saying We will see you Thursday. Did he mean the next morning? Did he mean next week? I wrote back and left a voice message and have not heard back. Now I may have missed my chance because I didn't travel to NYC the next morning just in case. Some amount of warning is useful when you have bus tickets to buy and a baby to consider. Arrgh people! I know I am at the very very bottom of your priority list, but please just communicate with me!!!

*update...I have a confirmation!

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