Thursday, November 19, 2009


Im on my way home, on the megabus, after just over 7 hours hoofing it all over Manhattan. Even with sensible shoes my feet and hips are Tired. After confirming one interview, then losing that one to sickness, I managed to wrangle another meeting. So today I figured out how to find my way to the Two UN Plaza building (in the rain) and had a very nice chat (got to use my voice recorder toy - hope it worked well!) with someone who was able to give me lots of insight tid bits and some contacts too. It has begun! Talking face to face really is better than over the phone.
I also bough z. a little Unicef doctor toy from the Unicef store with a white coat that says "UNICEF" on it, so she can have a white coat like her daddy. And I lost my scarf. But I also finished knitting a scarf on the way here - dearest Sophie's birthday present (several days late and it hasn't even left for London yet...sorry!). And after that whole shabang I caught an hour in MOMA before it closed. I sat on a comfortable bench, pulled my feet up and stared at Monet's lillys. I am not so in love with Monet prints. But I was in love with the real deal. LoVe. The three panel piece in particular. Could look into that forever. There were of course many other fantastics. The one above was a particular favorite on this trip.
This megabus has worked out pretty well. costs less than gas and tolls (and especially parking) would cost and wifi to boot. of course significantly cheaper than amtrak. im sure ill be doing this again. next time I am finding places to eat before I get there. I sure did a lot of random walking trying to decide where to pull up a chair.

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