Thursday, October 29, 2009

Evidence, Science, Rationality, Please!

Oh this riles me up. Science and rationality people!
The conversation should at least be civil. evidence based. Evidence!

But how is it that so many people believe in a vast vaccination conspiracy? How could all scientists with children be lying to the public - what is the motive, greed? How can this be a sufficient explanation for the oppressiveness such a comprehensive lie would require? Is not a belief in science and evidence more satisfactory?
We have universally eradicated disease (smallpox) and nearly got there with Polio, but for pockets of vaccination resistance. Deadly disease has seemed so far from our safe protected lives in this usofa that people have no fear. But disease is a daily threat in much, most of the world. So would be, and will be, the case if we refuse science. I get angry because of the threat outbreaks cause for all of us. I am anxious to vaccinate my daughter for H1N1, as she has had the seasonal flu shot, which has a long track record of safety and effectiveness. But the issue is so much bigger than this flu epidemic.
I heard an interview with Ms. Wallace and she said that one sort of response she recieved that she had not considered and that was welcome (as opposed to the many decries of Whore! Murderer!) were those from individuals with Autism who said - I do not believe vaccination caused my autism, and I am tired of people equating autism with death, or treating it as a worst case scenario (worse than life threatening infectious disease). seriously.

a snippet from the article:
"Looking back over human history, rationality has been the anomaly. Being rational takes work, education, and a sober determination to avoid making hasty inferences, even when they appear to make perfect sense. Much like infectious diseases themselves — beaten back by decades of effort to vaccinate the populace — the irrational lingers just below the surface, waiting for us to let down our guard."

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