Thursday, September 3, 2009

Starbucks Misto Misnomer

On Thursdays z goes to toddler co-op. That means that a bunch of moms (no dads in this particular co-op) take turns staying with a crowd of toddlers while the other moms go do errands, nap, whatever they need to do without their sweet adorable toddler for two hours. It’s pretty great. Z loves it. Doesn’t even complain when I leave.

Two hours is not a whole lot of time, and I do not want to waste it driving around. There is a Starbucks directly across the street. So that is where I go. Coffee and the extra bonus of no free internet make me extra productive. But, it is Starbucks. I am not an Uber-Starbucks-Hater. They could do much better in their buying practices and etc etc – but they do some things right. But their corporate social responsibility is not the subject of this post. The subject at this moment is: Starbucks renames everything and it is stupid. Ok, ok, actually it is probably brilliant in terms of marketing and making money. But I think it’s stupid.

I have almost forgotten the size switcheroo – short is tall etc etc. I just say medium and they always correct me, “grande” they say. Then there is the fact that they call a decadent milkshake thing a “macchiato” when a macchiato is actually a shot of espresso with a simple dollop of foam on top. The precise opposite drink, actually. And today in the line in front of me the starbuck lady and a customer were discussing her drink: a “misto.” First off, a misto is something that you get at Rita’s Water Ice or Dairy Queen – I think they both have misto on the menu. But here at starbucks apparently its half coffee and half steamed milk…a cafĂ© au lait perhaps? Silly. And then I ordered a medium (tall, er, grande) half caf skinny latte. She looked at me like I forgot something. I looked back.

“Flavor?” she said.


“Oh, that’s a non-fat late. Skinny is only for flavors.”


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